What You See Is What They Think
"Things are seldom what they seem
Skim milk masquerades as cream."
-- W. S. Gilbert
[Note: I've apparently been remiss, as my maternal carbon-based lifeform
has informed me. This is from July. Okay, fine, it's also from April.
I've had a busy summerfall, and it shows no signs of slowing up. I'm doing a
200+ mile-per-day commute (round-trip). I really should see about
teleporting...um, telecommuting.]
Okay, so I finished reading the Da Vinci Code. I thought it was a hell
of a good read. It reads like a screenplay. The scenes are short,
concise, well-threaded -- I mean, someone could toss in some technical
annotations, change the format slightly, and it's an instant movie!
I was impressed.
Other things which impressed me were the connections between
the Mona Lisa, the sacred Feminine, the rise of the patriarchy,
the Knights Templar (later the Freemasons), the Illuminati, the
Catholic Church and its radical offshoots, and the current state
of what passes for Christianity.
And, of course, there are people who will put it all down as
hogwash, nonsense, and heresy. I pity their lack of understanding,
their cynicism and their zeal in the face of adversity.
Rule One: When you stop learning, you die. You might as well go
to sleep and not wake up, because if you know everything, there's
nothing to deal with.
So I learned things from this book.
One thing I learned was that 'heretic' is derived from 'hereticum',
which means 'to choose'. Choice of one's own direction, as opposed
to some grand Divine Purpose or Master Plan which we should be
blindly following without question.
I guess that makes me a heretic, for I take nothing at face value,
and I look for the underlying currents which are indicative of
a true purpose.
Life is a four-way chess match between Choice, Chance, Destiny
and Circumstance, and there is no order in which the pieces move.
Circumstance is where we are.
Destiny is where we are supposedly going.
Choice is that avenue we see which allows us to alter our course to
our Destiny, or to a completely different Destiny altogether.
Chance is what happens beyond our control.
I saw a website which stated (and I quote):
"the Word sprang from a 4th Century rivalry? Get Real."
By this, I take it to mean that the composer(s) of said site are
stupid enough not to question the word of "God" coming from some
flaming shrub (don't we have one of those in the White House?),
passed along to some zealot with his own agenda who spent forty days
and forty nights on some mountain carving two stone tablets
which bore his own interpretation of what this burning bush
supposedly told him.
Oh, was that my outside keyboard? Sorry.
Anyway. Put the Bible on the same shelf as all the other books of
myths and legends. The stories are good as stories, but if you believe
a single thing in that book as being proof of a God, you have an
ID ten T complex, and you are DANGEROUS to the human race.
Can I rant on the Patriarchy for a moment?
In the beginning, Man created God. In so doing, there were supposedly
scrolls written attributing some power or respect to the female.
But the Patriarchy, in its infinite paranoia, decided to make those
parts disappear, because to acknowledge Woman as equal, even as equal-yet-
different, was to give the Woman power -- power which would eventually
unseat the Man as sole dictator of the course of events.
Stupid. Stupid stupid STUPID men. If I can help unseat the Patriarchy,
I'll do it in a New York Minute. I'm saying this because, although I
am male, heterosexual, caucasian of European descent (in short: the
stereotypical scum of the planet), I've met so many GUYS that I *really*
don't like. There are women out there, too, like that, but they're in
the minority.
So I'm not in favour of putting in a Matriarchy either, as I would get
caught in the anti-white-hetero-euromale backlash.
But I do want to see some semblence of balance brought back, for we are
destroying our world, and, like it or not, Earth IS Mother. If you don't
like it, go sign up for a shuttle trip to colonize Mars or something.
You're probably rich and can afford it if you're thinking in a way
which exploits the Earth for your own gain, so go away. Meanwhile,
I have to live here. I have no intention of going away.
I have found something very very VERY interesting, and this might just
blow the minds of the feminists out there:
Woman, by being submissive (at least in certain circumstances), wields
a LOT of power. Trust me on this one. Give a guy the perception of
a little control, and you've got him right where you want him. The trick
is you NEVER allow yourself to be put in a place of harm or humiliation.
Of course, that's hard to allow yourself to do, given the mindset
of most of the guys out there, but then, most of the guys out there
don't deserve women or the chance to procreate with them.
Never settle for second best. It's better to be alone than to settle.
But I digress.
So what did I learn? That the K.T. harbored the Illuminati, some of
which decided to use the front of the K.T. as a shield for darker
I learned that Mary Magdalene was likely Jesus' wife, that Jesus
was likely a prophet and NOT the son of God, and that Mary Magdalene
was supposed to carry on the church, but Paul wouldn't have it.
I'm betting that it was Mary Magdalene who went to Christ's tomb and took
his body away to bury it someplace before the Romans could wander in and
desecrate it.
Something else I have been illuminated on is this point of "immaculate
conception". I think, in this case, "immaculate conception" was as
mistranslated as the phrase about "passing a camel through the eye
of a needle before entering the kingdom of heaven" (the same is used
in Hebrew for "camel" as for "rope", I am told. The latter makes more
The word "immaculate" could have been a deliberate misinterpretation of
the original word for "pure"; this, too makes more sense. For Jesus to
have been conceived and born of a pure conception, one of pure love which
two people such as Mary and Joseph shared, makes FAR more sense than a
conception in which there was no mess. I mean, come ON, people!
The creation of life itself is apparently a miracle, even with our
understanding of what happens when the male and female join, when the
sperm enters the egg. If that's a miracle, then for it to happen without
impregnation along some line, even with today's technology, is not
a miracle -- it is IMPOSSIBLE.
Maybe Mary didn't realise what happened, or she partied too hard with
Joe, got drunk off her ASS, and didn't remember getting laid.
Or maybe -- JUST MAYBE -- the IDIOTS who wrote the Bible decided that
should mean "immaculate-as-in-no-mess-at-all" instead of meaning
Let's face facts: Love and Peace do not bring power to men with
great aspirations (although I wish they'd all tuck their heads
into their butts and aspirate whatever happens down the pipe, thus
putting themselves out of our misery).
Control, conflict, competition are the keys for the greedy, the
would-be power-mongers, the conquerors, the dictators, the emperors.
It doesn't take too many brains to figure out, by the way, why the state
of education and the availability of useful information are in such states
as they are.
I'll leave that to you to figure out.
Good day.